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Best Endocrinology Department in Kochi.

Endocrinology is sufficient with the best possible treatments to Manage Hormonal conditions. Patients suffering from Diabetics or other Endocrinology disorders, require awareness and proper self management to improve their health.

Endocrinology is a branch of medicine that offers remedies for hormone-related maladies.  The department of Endocrinology has outpatient and inpatient services which manage complicated diabetic and endocrinological cases.

Specialized Services

Endocrinology and Metabolism division works with patients to prevent and treat Obesity, Diabetes and Diabetes-related complications.

Thyroid related disorders like Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism and Thyroid Cancer are evaluated and expertly managed. We work in tandem with Oncosurgery and nuclear medicine to manage complicated thyroid malignancies. 

Fracture prevention clinic offers a bone health package for osteoporosis that effectively reduces the incidence of fractures. Parathyroid related disorders (Hypercalcemia, Hypocalcemia) and vitamin D deficiency are treated with effective results.

Men’s health and women’s health branch of endocrinology treats Hypogonadism, Erectile Dysfunction, Infertility, Hirsutism (unwanted androgenic body hair) and poly-cystic ovarian disease.

Hormonal supplements and Hormonal suppression are offered to children with growth and puberty related diseases and also to adults with pituitary dysfunction and pituitary tumours

Disorders causing resistant hypertension like Cushing’s syndrome, Hyperaldosteronism and Pheochromocytoma are evaluated and effective measures for control and cure are provided.The department of Endocrinology at VPS Lakeshore, deals with all sorts of endocrine disorders. The highly professional team here excels in taking complete care of the patients, ensuring their fast recovery from such risky conditions. The Department has proven its expertise in managing all complications related to Diabetics :

Key Highlights of the Department includes :

  • Treatment for Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal & Lipid disorders, polycystic ovaries and menstrual irregularities, Obesity and Metabolic syndrome, Resistant hypertension, Osteoporosis, Metabolic Bone diseases, Hypogonadism, Erectile dysfunction, infertility, growth hormone deficiency, pituitary tumors, Neuroendocrine tumors etc.
  • Deals with Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Thyroid cancers, Hypopituitarism, Acromegaly, Prolactinoma, Cushing's syndrome, Hyperaldosteronism, Addison's disease, Resistant hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia and Hypertriglyceridemia.
  • Treats Parathyroid Gland Disorders, Vitamin D deficiency, Osteoporosis and Disorders of calcium and phosphate metabolism.
  • Provides treatment for  Hypogonadism, Infertility, Polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS), menstrual disorders, Hirsutism and sexual dysfunction in adults.
  • Manages puberty disorders, Young onset Diabetes (Type1 & Type2).

News & events

VPS Lakeshore Hospital Launches Diabetic Foot Lab to Prevent Amputations



VPS Lakeshore Hospital Launches Diabetic Foot Lab to Prevent Amputations

Kochi: With the incidents of lower limb amputations due to diabetes rising at an alarming rate across the country,

വി പി എസ് ലേക് ഷോറിന്റെ സ്ത്രീകൾക്കായുള്ള സൗജന്യ മെഡിക്കൽ ക്യാമ്പ് കുട്ടമ്പുഴയിൽ



വി പി എസ് ലേക് ഷോറിന്റെ സ്ത്രീകൾക്കായുള്ള സൗജന്യ മെഡിക്കൽ ക്യാമ്പ് കുട്ടമ്പുഴയിൽ

കുട്ടമ്പുഴ: വി പി എസ് ലേക് ഷോർ ഹോസ്പിറ്റൽ സ്ത്രീകൾക്ക് മാത്രമായി സംസ്ഥാനത്തുടനീളം സംഘടിപ്പിക്കുന്ന സൗജന്യ മെഡിക്കൽ ക്യാമ്പ്, 'അമ്മയ്ക്കൊരു കരുതൽ',

വീൽചെയറിൽ നിന്ന് എംബിബിഎസിലേക്ക്: കൈഫോസ്കോളിയോസിസിന് തകർക്കാനായില്ല ഈ നിശ്ചയദാർഢ്യത്തെ



വീൽചെയറിൽ നിന്ന് എംബിബിഎസിലേക്ക്: കൈഫോസ്കോളിയോസിസിന് തകർക്കാനായില്ല ഈ നിശ്ചയദാർഢ്യത്തെ

വീൽചെയറിൽ നിന്ന് എംബിബിഎസിലേക്ക്: കൈഫോസ്കോളിയോസിസിന് തകർക്കാനായില്ല ഈ നിശ്ചയദാർഢ്യത്തെ വിപിഎസ് ലേക്‌ഷോറിലെ ചികിത്സയിലൂടെ അപൂർവ രോഗത്തിന് വിരാമം

Post-Doctoral Certificate Course in GI & Hepatic Pathology 2025



Post-Doctoral Certificate Course in GI & Hepatic Pathology 2025

Post-Doctoral Certificate Course in GI & Hepatic Pathology 2025