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Neonatology Treatments in Kochi
VPS Lakeshore’s Department of Paediatrics provides treatment of exceptional quality. in pediatric care. The doctors under this department have been trained abroad for many years and also have vast work-experience in Kerala. Children are cared for by trained intensive staff and a team managed by appropriate specialists and consultants from different specialties co-operating with the paediatricians. Effective treatment is provided for simple as well as complex diseases. The paediatricians are specially trained to treat cases of complicated health in newborns.
The paediatrics department finely focuses on avoiding unnecessary medicines and preserving minimum medicines, which are absolutely necessary and appropriate for a particular disease.
Key Highlights
Treatment for diseases like long-standing undiagnosed Fevers, Autoimmune diseases, Bloodborne diseases, Malignancies, Endocrine problems, growth problems, pubertal problems, Asthma, and other chest problems
Handles bowel problems like Constipation
Deals with Heart diseases, Brain diseases, etc.
Intensive care of pediatric patients offered
Breastfeeding support and proper weaning advice including follow up in growth development of babies