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Dental Sciences & Maxillofacial Surgery

Dental Sciences & Maxillofacial Surgery in Kochi

Our Dental Sciences & Maxillofacial Surgery department comes with excellent solutions for all your dental problems. Lakeshore hospital has a team that has been pioneers in this specialty of surgery for over 45 years.


  • Surgery designed to correct conditions of the jaw and face related to structure, growth, jaw joint (Tempro-mandibular joint) disorders, malocclusion problems owing to skeletal disharmony, or other orthodontic problems that cannot be easily treated with braces. 
  • These are high-precision procedures to transform a patient';s face without any external scars.
  • Hospitalization is as short as 3-5 days.
  • After surgery the client can travel and undergo further follow-up nearer to home or abroad.
  • Cost of these surgeries is only 1/5th of the estimated expenses in the US or Europe.

Corrective jaw surgery :               

            1. Done for persons where jaws don't fit together properly.

            2. This will improve both jaw function as well as appearance in affected patients.

            3. Involves Cosmetic correction of lower and upper jaw Protrusion or Retrusion.

            4. Includes Advancement or Reduction of Chin.


Combined conservative therapy and treatment for better mouth opening and chewing. We have performed rare surgeries for conditions of the joint called Ankylosis, where the lower jawbone is fused to the upper jaw.


  • We have a team ready to attend to any trauma to the face, nose, upper and lower jaw due to any form of accident or road traffic incident.
  • Done either as closed or open surgery through the mouth according to severity.
  • Treatment of Dentoalveolar trauma or trauma to teeth is conducted and rehabilitated with at most precision, to restore the smile on your face. 
  • Even extruded teeth that have fallen off during trauma, if brought within a safe period of time can be treated and implanted back in position.


  • Diagnostic biopsies are done as required and precision removal of such minor or major oral or jaw cysts and tumors are done on a very regular basis, even with the preservation of teeth and sensory nerve.
  • Major jaw resection with reconstruction along with implantation for lost teeth with 3D image study along with the Head & Neck team.
  • Lab facilities are available for facial prostheses following major Head & Neck surgery.


  • Dental implants have changed the face of dentistry. Over the past 35 years, our team has had members who have been pioneers in this field since the early 1990s.
  • Our implants are made of high-grade titanium and plasma bone dust coated that will unite with the jaw bone has the advantage of Durability & Strength when compared to other forms of replacement of teeth.


  • Regular minor oral surgeries are done on a day-to-day basis.
  • Facilities for multiple minor surgeries to shorten treatment time and recovery time.

These include:

1) Impacted tooth removal: Single or multiple wisdom teeth surgeries.

2) Endodontic surgery: Surgical root canal treatment

3) Periodontal surgery: Gum depigmentation

                1. Gingivectomy (lengthening tooth size)

                2. Frenectomy - Tongue tie release 

                3. Gum flap surgery

                4. Vestibuloplasty (Lip lengthening) & Alveolar ridge augmentation

Most of these can be done by conventional methods or with Laser-assisted surgery.


We can improve, your confidence by improving your smile. our conservative and cosmetic dental team can provide you with services from simple fillings to veneers & laminates that will change your smile line completely.

If you have chipped or broken teeth, an endodontic team will restore them with Ceramic, laser sintered, Emax or Zirconia crowns, that would match exactly with your actual teeth.

You could alternatively refreshen your smile with a Laser Whitening with us or put a sparkling jewel on your teeth.

We try to reduce your treatment time to the maximum with single-sitting procedures as far as possible.


if you have single or multiple teeth that require Root canal treatment, our Endodontic specialists will do them for you in a single visit and using Laser micro-Endodontic techniques. Even failed root canal treatments for those done in the past years with older techniques, which are troubling you can be Re-treated (Re-RCT) with Laser Endodontics.


We have a specialized and highly competent Prosthodontic wing that will give you new teeth if you have lost them in the past or due to trauma.

Our dental Prosthetic lab can replace your lost dentition with all the latest available techniques, both fixed & removable. our lab has replaced teeth along with prosthesis for patients who have lost entire parts of their jaws due to trauma or surgery due to cancer. 

Skull Prosthesis for the protection of the brain following Neurosurgical procedures & artificial Eyes, Nose Ears can be fabricated within this specialty department.

If you have a problem with snoring and need surgery for it, we combine a special prosthesis with it so that the intensity of the surgical procedure is reduced.


Our weekend clinics for Pediatric dentistry will take good care of your child's teeth and smile as they grow over the years.

We will identify problems in the growth pattern of your child's jaws and teeth early enough to modify them so that they may become confident of their smile & facial personality in the future.

From regular dental cleaning to fillings, we provide Pediatric Dental services extending to even Root canals & crowns to preserve milk teeth.

Pediatric Dentofacial Orthopedics is a system used to modify and improve the growth pattern of your child's facial structure.


No need to worry if your child has protruding or crowded teeth, our orthodontic team will set them right with simple aligners to a more complex system of braces. No matter how crowded your smile looks, we will have a solution for you under this wing.

Even if you are an adult with malaligned teeth and think you have missed the bus, we will give you options from translucent, tooth-colored braces or even braces that can be worn on the inner side of your teeth (Lingual Orthodontics), so that they cannot be noticed.

If you have a gummy smile, we can combine your Orthodontic treatment along with an Esthetic surgery to correct that.

We always work as a team to provide you with the Best Solutions for your Dental & Faciomaxillary problems.


Laser treatment for gum disease, teeth whitening, and smile correction. 

Laser therapy for oral lesions.

Dr. Jacob Chacko

Senior Consultant & HOD




    • 20 years of experience in Jaw tumour surgical treatment and 3D reconstructions, Jaw deformity corrections, fractures of facial bones, dental implants, and minor & major oral surgical procedures.
    • Supervision of endodontic, prosthodontics, periodontics and orthodontic procedures.
    • Expertise in orthognathic surgeries, pan facial trauma surgery & reconstruction, Maxillofacial cyst and tumor removal surgery, Dental implant and facial implant surgeries.

Other Information


1. Dental X-Ray - X-Ray for individual tooth

2. Orthopantomogram X-Ray  - X-Ray of all  teeth together + both jaws & joints

3. Biopsy  Excisional/incisional- for  diagnosis of pathology in the mouth

4. Temperomandibular intra-articular injections - for implantation & dislocation of joints due to  arthritic changes 

5. Anti-Oxidants/Mucosal injections - for inflammatory conditions like ulcers of the mouth.

6. Normal Extractions - removal of tooth without stitch

7. Surgical Extractions more difficult removal of tooth with stitches

8. Open method extractions - even more difficult removal of tooth where bone has to be cut, with stitches

9. lmpaction extractions  - wisdom tooth removal, where tooth is fully embedded in bone

10. Cyst enucleations  - removal of small growth of tissue formed due to an infected tooth inside the jaw that can be seen only in x-ray

11. Minor oral surgery procedures -  for removal of tumors that can be seen inside the mouth

12. Fracture-maxilla wiring - similar to putting plaster on hands & legs without surgical intention

13. Fracture-mandible wiring - similar to putting plaster on hands & legs without surgical intention

14. Flap Operations - for weak gums causing tooth mobility

15. Scaling and gum treatment normal cleaning & polishing of teeth

16. Gingivectomy - removal of upper part of gum /causing a gummy smile (smile line correction)

17. Gum Depigmentationfor discolored or dark colored gums (Surgical/Laser)

18. Gum veneer - where gums have receded exposing the roots & making the teeth look long

19. Laser assisted dental treatmentsfor RCTs, bleaching, for gums (Depigmentation)

20. Teeth whitening

21. Endodontic & Root canal treatment - for retaining  infected tooth with deep cavity where just filling is of no use

22. Surgical RCT - where the infected tooth had led to formation of a cyst or collection of pus.

23. Composite restorations - tooth colored filling

24. GIC restorations - less expensive, doesn't have strength & color matching as that of composites

25. Coronoplasty - shaping of tooth with sharp margins whenever required

26. Tooth Veneer - Laminate layer on partially deformed or severely discolored teeth

27. Tooth Crown - for broken or root canal treated tooth

28. Prosthodontic post & core - for tooth fractured or broken during an accident

29. Prosthodontic Bridge Crowns - fixed replacement for lost/missing teeth

30. Partial denture  removable replacement for lost/missing teeth

31. Complete denture - replacement of all teeth in elderly: 1. Removable 2. partially fixed 3. Fixed

32. Dental Implant Procedures - fixed replacement for missing tooth/teeth

33. Prosthodontic obturators - artificial/ plastic replacement of jaws after cancer surgery 

34. Dentofacial Orthopedics - for children with faulty growth of face

35. Removable  Orthodontic Devices - for mildly crowded teeth (aligners & other appliances)

36. Fixed orthodontic - braces for correcting irregularity of teeth - 1.Ceramic/tooth colored      2. Translucent 3. Steel

37. Pediatric dental restorationsfillings for children less than 12 years

38. Pediatric RCTPulpectomy - RCT for milk teeth

39. Pediatric RCT - Pulpotomy -  RCT for milk teeth

40. Pediatric crowns - for broken milk tooth

41. Pediatric extractions - Removal of tooth for children

42. Pediatric appliancesprosthesis used for breaking habits like thumb sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, lip biting


1. Multiple extractions in single sitting - to reduce amount of local anesthesia given at a time due to shortage of time, convenient for the patient

2. Multiple root canals - Same as above 

3. Removal of larger cysts & tumors of the jaw

4. Multiple surgical root canals

5. Removal of deeply impacted wisdom tooth or for multiple wisdom teeth removal

6. Fracture reductions, Open surgical & fixation with titanium or resorbable plates & screws

7. Orthognathic surgery - cosmetic surgery for correction of jaw deformities

Dr. Jacob Chacko

Dr. Jacob Chacko

Senior Consultant & HOD

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