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Medical & Pediatric Oncology

Best Pediatric Oncology Treatment In Kochi, Kerala, India.

The department of Medical & Pediatric Oncology at VPS Lakeshore is the first of its kind in the private sector in Kerala. The department is headed by Dr. V. P. Gangadharan, the pioneer Medical Oncologist in Kerala. Diverse types of cancers are treated here and people from all across the country and overseas come here for diagnosis and treatment.

Patients who visit the department are thoroughly evaluated and treated. Experts from the Departments of Radio Diagnosis and Pathology assist the Oncology team in the diagnosis process. Procedures like Bone Marrow Aspiration, Pleural Tapping and Ascitic Tapping are routinely done here. Guidelines set by NCCN and ESMO are adhered strictly. Both Hematological Cancers and Solid Tumors including Adult and Pediatric Cancers are treated in the department. A fully equipped Blood Bank with availability of blood components and the backup of fully fledged ICU enables the department to treat Acute Leukemia also. Monoclonal Antibodies are administered for Lymphoma treatment. High dose chemotherapy with Autologous Peripheral Stem Cell Transplantation is done for relapsed lymphomas and multiple myeloma.

The Medical Oncology Department is augmented by a "Day Care Centre" with exclusive specialized staff, trained in Oncological emergencies and Anti-Cancer Drug Administration. Patients find it easier to have the Chemotherapy done on OPD basis in this Cancer Centre. After planned treatment, patients are educated about the importance of close follow-up and investigations are done periodically. Community talks to emphasize the importance of healthy
lifestyle and cancer screening are conducted by the department.

Continuing Medical Education Programme (CME) for doctors and Para Medical Staff are also organized. Patients are also given the option to participate in clinical trials approved by the ethics committee.

Dr. V.P Gangadharan

Senior Consultant and HOD of Medical & Paediatric Oncology


MBBS, MD (Radiotherapy), MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Medical Oncology)


    • Started career as a tutor in Radiotherapy and Medical Oncology at Medical College, Thrissur.
    • Later joined RCC, Trivandrum in 1989 as Asst. Professor & Head of Medical Oncology.
    • Established the Medical Oncology Department in RCC, the first of its kind in Kerala.
    • Underwent Bone Marrow Transplantation Training programme in USA and UK with NCI and WHO fellowships.
    • Involved  as a teacher in graduate and post graduate training programmes and as examiner of DM Medical Oncology at various Universities in India.
    • Has delivered scientific lectures as invited speaker in over sixty seminars & scientific meetings.

Dr. V.P Gangadharan

Dr. V.P Gangadharan

Senior Consultant and HOD of Medical & Paediatric Oncology

News & events

VPS Lakeshore Hospital Creates History with India’s First Wireless Arthroscopy



VPS Lakeshore Hospital Creates History with India’s First Wireless Arthroscopy

Kochi: VPS Lakeshore Hospital has achieved a groundbreaking milestone by becoming the first hospital in India to successfully perform a wireless arthroscopy.

ഇന്ത്യയിലെ ആദ്യ വയർലെസ് ആർത്രോസ്കോപ്പി നടത്തി വിപിഎസ് ലേക്‌ഷോർ



ഇന്ത്യയിലെ ആദ്യ വയർലെസ് ആർത്രോസ്കോപ്പി നടത്തി വിപിഎസ് ലേക്‌ഷോർ

കൊച്ചി: വയർലെസ് ആർത്രോസ്‌കോപ്പി വിജയകരമായി നടത്തുന്ന ഇന്ത്യയിലെ ആദ്യത്തെ ആശുപത്രിയായി വിപിഎസ് ലേക്‌ഷോർ ഹോസ്പിറ്റൽ.

Alarming Rise in Oral Cancer Cases Among Non-Tobacco Users, VPS Lakeshore Hospital Study Finds



Alarming Rise in Oral Cancer Cases Among Non-Tobacco Users, VPS Lakeshore Hospital Study Finds

Kochi: In a disturbing trend, the number of oral cancer cases is significantly rising in the nation..

ഇനി ശബ്ദം ഇടറില്ല! കേരളത്തിലെ ആദ്യ അഡ്വാൻസ്‌ഡ് എയർവേ, വോയ്സ്, ആൻഡ് സ്വാളോവിങ് സെൻ്റർ...



ഇനി ശബ്ദം ഇടറില്ല! കേരളത്തിലെ ആദ്യ അഡ്വാൻസ്‌ഡ് എയർവേ, വോയ്സ്, ആൻഡ് സ്വാളോവിങ് സെൻ്റർ...

കൊച്ചി : ശ്വാസനാള-അന്നനാള രോഗങ്ങളുടെയും ശബ്ദവൈകല്യങ്ങളുടെയും രോഗനിർണയത്തിനും ..

VPS Lakeshore Gives Hope to Heart Patient with Life-Saving Treatment and Compassionate Support..



VPS Lakeshore Gives Hope to Heart Patient with Life-Saving Treatment and Compassionate Support..

Kochi: Raju, a farmer from Thiruvavnkulam, was given a new lease of life after receiving life-saving treatment at VPS Lakeshore Hospital.

Fish Bone trapped in lung for over a year successfully removed at VPS Lakeshore Hospital



Fish Bone trapped in lung for over a year successfully removed at VPS Lakeshore Hospital

In a rare and complex bronchoscopic procedure, doctors at VPS Lakeshore Hospital successfully removed...

VPS Lakeshore Hospital Launches Diabetic Foot Lab to Prevent Amputations



VPS Lakeshore Hospital Launches Diabetic Foot Lab to Prevent Amputations

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വി പി എസ് ലേക് ഷോറിന്റെ സ്ത്രീകൾക്കായുള്ള സൗജന്യ മെഡിക്കൽ ക്യാമ്പ് കുട്ടമ്പുഴയിൽ



വി പി എസ് ലേക് ഷോറിന്റെ സ്ത്രീകൾക്കായുള്ള സൗജന്യ മെഡിക്കൽ ക്യാമ്പ് കുട്ടമ്പുഴയിൽ

കുട്ടമ്പുഴ: വി പി എസ് ലേക് ഷോർ ഹോസ്പിറ്റൽ സ്ത്രീകൾക്ക് മാത്രമായി സംസ്ഥാനത്തുടനീളം സംഘടിപ്പിക്കുന്ന സൗജന്യ മെഡിക്കൽ ക്യാമ്പ്, 'അമ്മയ്ക്കൊരു കരുതൽ',