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Nuclear Medicine

Best Nuclear Medicine Treatments In Kochi.

Nuclear Medicine is a relatively new and rapidly developing medical specialty which uses trace amounts of radionuclides for imaging and treatment of cancers and non-cancerous conditions. The unique feature of Nuclear Medicine is that, it demonstrates organ function in contrast to routine diagnostic radiology which provides structural details. These Nuclear Medicine procedures detect abnormalities much earlier than other diagnostic tests in many conditions as the functional changes occur earlier than structural changes become apparent, thereby leading to earlier treatment with better outcome. With the advent of Hybrid imaging methods such as SPECT/ CT and PET/ CT in Nuclear Medicine, both structural and functional details can be obtained at the same time.

VPS Lakeshore’s Nuclear Medicine Department has a well-trained team of doctors and technologists who have mastered the art of serving patients using the most advanced and updated methods.

The Key Highlights of this Department are:

  • SPECT CT / Gamma Camera Imaging

    Allows the proper assessment of various organs by performing the following tests:

- Bone Scan

- Brain Spect

- Brain Scintigraphy(DTPA)

- Cisternography

- Dacryoscintigraphy

- Direct Radionuclide Cystogram(DRCG/VUR)

- DMSA III Renal Scan

- DMSA-V Whole Body Scan

- DTPA/EC Renal Scan

- DTPA/EC Pre and Post Captopril Renal Scan

- Esophageal Transit Study

- First Pass Study

- Gastroesophageal Reflux / Milk Scan

- Gastric Emptying Study

- GI Bleed Study

- Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy HIDA Scan

- Ictal AND Interictal Brain SPECT-CT

- I-131 Thyroid Uptake Scan

- I-131 Whole Body Scan

- Octreotide Scintigraphy (HYNICTOC)

- Liver / Spleen (RES) SCAN

- Liver (Blood Pool Scan)

- Lung Perfusion Study

- Lung Ventilation and Perfusion (V/Q SCAN)

- Lung Shunt Quantification

- Lymphoscintigraphy

- Meckel’s Scan

- MIBG Scan


- Myocardial Perfusion Scan (REST)

- Myocardial Perfusion Scan  (REST & ADENOSINE STRESS)

- Myocardial Perfusion Scan (REST & DOBUTAMINE STRESS)

- Myocardial Perfusion Scan (REST & EXERCISE STRESS)

- Parathyroid Scintigraphy

- Perchlorate Discharge Test

- Peritoneo Plural Scan

- Transplant Renal Scan

- Salivary Scintigraphy

- Scintimammography

- Sentinel Lymph Node Scintigraphy

- Sestamibi - Tumor Imaging

- Testicular Scan

- TC-99M Thyroid Scan

- Trodat Scan

  • PET CT

    Commonly used for the analysis of Cancer, Brain, Heart diseases,

    Infections and Inflammatory disorders. Performs the following PET/CT procedures:

- F-18 FDG Whole Body PET/CT

- F-18 FDG Brain PET/CT

- F-18 FDG Cardiac PET/CT

- F-18 Whole Body Bone Scan




  • Radionuclide Therapy The department provides a wide range of Radionuclide therapies as listed below:

- Radioiodine therapy (for thyroid carcinoma and hyperthyroidism)

- Bone pain palliation

- Lu-177 DOTATATE therapy (For Neuroendocrine tumour)

- Lu-177 PSMA therapy (For Prostate Cancer)

- Transarterial Radio Embolisation (for liver tumour)

- Radiosynovectomy

Dr. Senthil. R

Consultant & HOD - Nuclear Medicine


MBBS, MD (Nuclear Medicine, PGIMER), FANMB, FEBNM


    • Worked as Senior Resident at PGIMER, Chandigarh.
    • Worked as Consultant in Global Health City, Chennai.

Dr. Senthil. R

Dr. Senthil. R

Consultant & HOD - Nuclear Medicine

News & events

VPS Lakeshore Hospital Creates History with India’s First Wireless Arthroscopy



VPS Lakeshore Hospital Creates History with India’s First Wireless Arthroscopy

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