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Surgical Gastroenterology Care In Kochi.
The Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, also known as Surgical Gastroenterology, at VPS Lakeshore Hospital is one of the largest in the country in terms of strength, skills, and experience. The Department is authorized by the National Board of Examination to train qualified General Surgeons for the subspecialty of GI surgery. It is also recognized for training surgeons for the Fellowship examinations of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. The department is also a recognized center for the HPB Fellowship of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association. The unit attracts a large number of patients from the rest of the country and also from abroad.
The department has an integration of all support specialties like Radiology, Oncology, Radiation Oncology and Medical Gastroenterology which ensures that patients suffering from diseases of the GI system get comprehensive treatment under one roof. The department has round the clock availability of senior experts thus ensuring timely intervention when it is required.
The GI department has several firsts to its credit:
Senior Consultant, Director of Surgical Gastroenterology
Kochi: VPS Lakeshore Hospital has achieved a groundbreaking milestone by becoming the first hospital in India to successfully perform a wireless arthroscopy.
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Kochi: Raju, a farmer from Thiruvavnkulam, was given a new lease of life after receiving life-saving treatment at VPS Lakeshore Hospital.
In a rare and complex bronchoscopic procedure, doctors at VPS Lakeshore Hospital successfully removed...
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