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Surgical Gastroenterology

Surgical Gastroenterology Care In Kochi.

The Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, also known as Surgical Gastroenterology, at VPS Lakeshore Hospital is one of the largest in the country in terms of strength, skills, and experience. The Department is authorized by the National Board of Examination to train qualified General Surgeons for the subspecialty of GI surgery. It is also recognized for training surgeons for the Fellowship examinations of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. The department is also a recognized center for the HPB Fellowship of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association. The unit attracts a large number of patients from the rest of the country and also from abroad.

The department has an integration of all support specialties like Radiology, Oncology, Radiation Oncology and Medical Gastroenterology which ensures that patients suffering from diseases of the GI system get comprehensive treatment under one roof. The department has round the clock availability of senior experts thus ensuring timely intervention when it is required.

  • Lakeshore center is the largest pancreatic surgery unit in the country
  • Basic and advanced laparoscopic (Keyhole) Surgery

The GI department has several firsts to its credit:

  • It has performed the largest number of Pancreatic Surgeries in the country.
  • It has pioneered in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery in the region.

Dr. H. Ramesh

Senior Consultant, Director of Surgical Gastroenterology




    • More than 30 years of experience in Gastrointestinal Surgery.
    •  Served in key positions of the GI Surgery and Digestive Diseases Centres at renowned hospitals in the state.
    • Performed the first Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in the state and pioneered the growth of basic and advanced Laparoscopic Surgery.

Other Information

The following divisions exist in this department
  • Pancreatic Surgery
The center performs Pancreatic resections for cancer, as well as drainage operations including Frey Procedure,  are performed regularly. The center has the largest experience for surgery for chronic pancreatitis.
  • Foregut Surgery
Surgery for diseases of the esophagus and stomach including cancers, and swallowing disorders, and reflux symptoms. Many of these operations require procedures in the thorax (chest) and neck, and many are performed laparoscopically (key-hole surgery).
  • Laparoscopic Surgery
The Unit has pioneered the development of Laparoscopic surgery in the region. All forms of basic and advanced laparoscopic surgery are performed using state-of-the-art equipment. Diseases such as gallstones, appendicitis hernias of the abdominal wall, and diaphragmatic hernia, splenic disease and adrenal tumours, intestinal obstruction, liver cysts, some pancreatic diseases, gastroesophageal reflux disease, achalasia, rectal prolapse, GI cancers, and emergencies such as duodenal perforation, intestinal obstruction, and many other conditions are treated surgically.
  • Colorectal Surgery
All colorectal surgeries including pouch procedures for ulcerative colitis, surgery for Crohn's disease, and sphincter-saving resections for rectal cancer (avoid colostomy). The Unit has a very large experience with the treatment of anal fistula especially high, recurrent fistulae.
  • Proctology Clinic
A specialized proctology clinic deals with diseases of the anus and rectum. Outpatient clinics are run daily, and out-patient treatment of common anal conditions is carried out. The Unit is one of the largest centers for the treatment of hemorrhoids (piles), and stapler surgery is also carried out.
  • Stomatherapy Unit
A specially trained enterostomal therapist (ET) oversees the management of patients with artificial stomas (colostomy and ileostomy) and also in managing the skin during the treatment of Gastrointestinal fistulas. She is able to provide training to ostomates to help rehabilitate them to normal life. Services in this division are provided free of charge, and membership forms of Ostomates India (a nationwide society of ostomates) is available. Membership provides the opportunity for receiving information, technical advice and material such as colostomy pouches and ileostomy bags at a very subsidized price.
In combination with the Departments of Medical Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Radiology, Pathology, and other laboratory services, this provides a comprehensive Digestive Diseases Center which is one of the premier services in the country. The Unit is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure in the Operation Theaters and the Intensive Care Units.

Dr. H. Ramesh

Dr. H. Ramesh

Senior Consultant, Director of Surgical Gastroenterology

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