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Best Institute of Head and Neck Sciences (IHNS) in Kochi.
The first of its kind, the Institute of Head and Neck Sciences (IHNS) treats the complete range of head and neck disorders. The team who manages IHNS, are expert doctors belonging to four major clinical departments:
The above departments are supported by a rehabilitation unit which consists of:
Deglutologist (Swallowing therapist) Speech therapist Physiotherapist Dietician Onco-psychologist Institute of Head and Neck Sciences has unique Disease Management Groups, where a professional team of specialists handle certain diseases and also the pathology related to specific organs requiring multidisciplinary support. Head and Neck Cancer DMG Dysphagia DMG (Head and Neck Surgery, ENT, Gastromedicine and Gastrosurgery, Neurosciences, and a central Swallowing unit with a swallowing therapist) Thyroid Cancer DMG ( Head and Neck Surgical Oncology, Endocrinology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Oncology and Medical Oncology) Skull base DMG ( Head and Neck Surgery, Neurosurgery, ENT)
Senior Consultant - Surgical Oncology, Head & Neck and Director of Institute of Head & Neck Sciences (IHNS)
MBBS, MS (ENT), DNB (ENT), MCh (Head & Neck Surgery)
Dr Shawn T Joseph started the Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Department at VPS Lakeshore Hospital in July 2014. Since then the department has grown and developed into one of the finest in the country capable of handling the most complex head and neck cancer cases. It is one of the few Head and Neck units in the country which does the entire spectrum of head and neck cancer surgeries like microvascular reconstruction, transoral laser surgeries for larynx cancers and endoscopic skull base surgeries. The Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Department at VPS Lakeshore has performed more than 3000 major head and neck cancer surgeries of all levels of complexity during the last seven years.
During this period a strong Head and Neck Cancer Disease Management Group could be created by close collaboration with departments like Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Neurosurgery, Pathology, Radiology, Endocrinology and Rehabilitation Sciences.
To keep track of the Head and Neck cancer scenario in the community and to improve outcomes, data on cancer and surgical outcome measures are documented for periodic analysis and improvement. The outcomes at the Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Department at VPS Lakeshore, measured in terms of surgical margin clearance and survival figures match the best internationally.
The head and neck oncology department at VPS Lakeshore practices “ No facial scar surgery for oral cancer” which aims to avoid facial incisions whenever possible for patients with oral cancer. The Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Department here has the largest published series of facial artery-based myomucosal and bone flaps, which is a reconstruction method providing like-for-like reconstruction in head and neck mucosal defects. He was also the leader of the team which described “TAMMIL”, a new surgery for preserving voice in selected larynx cancers, for patients in whom complete removal of the voice box was the only option available before. The technique was published in top peer-reviewed international journals. He has also described new surgical techniques in partial resection for larynx cancer and facial nerve identification.
He is the founder Director of the “ Institute of Head
and Neck Sciences”, at VPS Lakeshore Hospital. He initiated “ Kocher’s Club”,
which is an academic club meant for promoting discussion and innovation in Head
and Neck Sciences.
IHNS also comprises of four main clinics that dedicatedly focuses on the symptomatology related to the Head and Neck area:
Neuro-otology clinic(Vertigo/Deafness clinic)
Sleep and Snoring Clinic
Allergy Clinic
Facial Nerve Clinic
Head and Neck Pain and Screening Clinic
The Disease Management groups and clinics are meant to deliver the best service to our patients by way of multidisciplinary involvement.
Management updates, Morbidity and Mortality assessment and Chemical research discussions take place during the weekly academic club meetings.
The outputs of each treatment are methodically documented, analysed and reviewed by an integrative group of specialists, in order to ensure quality of service, improve critical outlook and also focus on better results.
Senior Consultant - Surgical Oncology, Head & Neck and Director of Institute of Head & Neck Sciences (IHNS)
Kochi: VPS Lakeshore Hospital has achieved a groundbreaking milestone by becoming the first hospital in India to successfully perform a wireless arthroscopy.
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